Better Than Steroids – An Honest Review

In the book, Better Than Steroids, Dr. Warren Willey proposes that a NATURAL trainer can actually get results superior to a buy steroids user IF the natural trainer follows a proper training and nutrition program.

Dr. Wiley contents that part of the reason steroid users get such great results is because you tend to eat better and train harder while you’re taking steroids. On page 21 he claims. In just 12 weeks, L.D. went from 182 pounds at 16.1% body fat to 177 pounds at 5.5% body fat. Which means L.D. not only lost 19.56 pounds of fat, he also gained 14.57 pounds of muscle AT THE SAME TIME!

Here’s the kicker: Dr. Wiley says LD was 60 years old at the time of this study and that he’s had other clients who have gained 30 pounds of lean muscle WHILE dropping 60 pounds of fat by following the same principles.

But let’s continue. Doc goes on to talk about the importance of water and that food can actually be used as a drug. I liked this part of the book because all too often we forget just how powerful food can be. Food can be used to spike or depress insulin – just like a drug. And by timing your food intake (eating high carbohydrate foods around the time of your workout and reducing carbs during the rest of the day) you can take advantage of the drug-like qualities of food. Good stuff here.

Overall, nothing groundbreaking here. In fact, I saw many similarities between these recommendations and Dan Duchaine’s recommendations in his book Underground BodyOpus. Both talk about using an isocaloric approach at first, then a super low carb diet when weight loss stalls and then adding weekend carb ups to allow you to gain muscle while stripping off fat.

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